Sunday, December 8, 2013

Didi Fairy

It was time for the didi fairy to visit our house! Ben's paci has always been known as his "didi", we aren't sure when that started but that's what Ben called it! We did this same tradition with both girls and it worked great so I figured we would give it another try for Ben. He was down to using it only at nap-time and bedtime and was starting to wake up pretty early.  I thought now would be a good time for her to visit.  We first talked about the didi fairy coming to visit for a week or so before and how she will give his didi's to new babies that need them. So the night had come...we collected all of his didi's around the house and put them in a baggie by the front door so she could pick them up over night. If he went to bed good without his didi, the paci fairy was going to leave him a special present! He did pretty good, cried for about 45 minutes then finally fell asleep.. He woke up to find an excavator tractor by the front door! He was SO excited! He played with his tractor all morning and even insisted on taking the big tractor to nap with him. He is getting to be such a big boy!

Thursday, December 5, 2013


For Thanksgiving week we traveled to Hutchinson to stay with Gigi and Papa. We had lots of fun playing games, reading books, riding tractors and golf carts! Ben was in heaven when Papa said he got the tractor out for a ride. It was freezing cold outside but didn't seem to bother Ben because he could have ridden with Papa all day on that tractor. We were there until Thanksgiving morning when we all loaded up and traveled to Salina to Uncle Russ's house for Thanksgiving dinner. We ate a lot of yummy food and got way too full! Uncle Russ got out his Ford model T roadster so all of the kids could check it out. We also managed to get a big group picture of everyone that was there that day. Such good memories!

We traveled back to Kansas City on Thanksgiving evening and were ready to celebrate again the next day with the Dubill Fam! The kids were so excited to play with their cousins and see Grandma and Grandpa. The weather was so nice outside so the kiddos had fun taking turns raking leaves in the backyard and playing soccer.  It is always a great accomplishment to get a group picture so that was goal #1! We also thought it would be fun to get a picture of Grandma and Grandpa with all of the grandkids! Mission accomplished!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Ben and his car

Since yesterday was the "last" nice day before it gets super cold, Ben and I went outside to play a little before the girls got home from school. Ben's all time favorite toy is still his car. He LOVES that car! He loves to pretend to be a mailman and bring you some mail or pretend to be a fireman and make firetruck noises as he drives. He took a couple short breaks to run, jump and check out some leaves but always would go back to his car!

Here goes...

So I have wanted to start a blog for a long time and never could find the time...or thought that I would be too critical of what I would write. But many people have told me that I should start a blog to share good ideas, photographs or just to journal about our life with 3 busy kiddos. So lets be real, I still don't have much time and I will be way too critical about what I write but oh well..I'm jumping in and trying it out!  Hope you enjoy!