Sunday, December 8, 2013

Didi Fairy

It was time for the didi fairy to visit our house! Ben's paci has always been known as his "didi", we aren't sure when that started but that's what Ben called it! We did this same tradition with both girls and it worked great so I figured we would give it another try for Ben. He was down to using it only at nap-time and bedtime and was starting to wake up pretty early.  I thought now would be a good time for her to visit.  We first talked about the didi fairy coming to visit for a week or so before and how she will give his didi's to new babies that need them. So the night had come...we collected all of his didi's around the house and put them in a baggie by the front door so she could pick them up over night. If he went to bed good without his didi, the paci fairy was going to leave him a special present! He did pretty good, cried for about 45 minutes then finally fell asleep.. He woke up to find an excavator tractor by the front door! He was SO excited! He played with his tractor all morning and even insisted on taking the big tractor to nap with him. He is getting to be such a big boy!

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