Monday, June 2, 2014

Molly's last day of 1st grade!

 Summer is here!

Molly's last day of 1st grade had officially come...feels like we waited and waited because all of the other school districts were out already.  We are all ready to have some relaxing time together where we get to sleep in, have pj days, playdates, walk to the park, go to the pool, have swimming lessons, last minute trips to get a snow cone, sleepovers with cousins, staying up late, trips to the zoo, Deanna Rose...all of the things we wish we had time for during the school year.  But for anyone that knows Molly, they know she LOVES school... so she didn't wake up happy for the last day of school.  She woke up a little sad :-(  Sad she wouldn't see her 1st grade teacher anymore and that she just wouldn't be at school everyday.. I again reminded her of all of the things that we could do over the summer and that she would see her teacher next year even though she will be in 2ND GRADE!  It is such a blessing that all of my kiddos love their teachers so much!

We got ready for school a little early and headed to Dunkin Donuts for "last day of school donuts"! We also picked up a donut for her teacher and donut holes for her classmates...think we will have to start making that a tradition because it was a hit!

Here are pics of the first day of 1st grade and the last day of 1st grade...

last day..

After we dropped Molly off at school Grace and I went to work making her a 'Welcome to Summer!' banner :-) Grace was so excited for Molly to get home and see it.

We were ready for her to get home to start all of the summer fun!

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