Saturday, May 31, 2014

Fun day with the cousins!

Last minute plans are sometimes the best! On Saturday,we decided to go to the Legends to meet a few of the cousins.  We headed for Dave and Busters and had a great time.  Then we went to their pool and had more fun! The kids always love any chance they get to hang out with their cousins.  More fun tomorrow when we get to have ALL of the cousins together! YAY!

Then off to the pool.

Grace and Ben's last day of preschool

Wow! The last day of preschool was here! I can't believe how fast the year went!  Grace kept telling me how excited she was for kindergarten but sad because she wouldn't see her teachers and her friends over the summer :-(  So I promised her a lot of playdates and assured her we would see her friends and teachers at church.  They have both gotten so big over the school year, it is fun to look back and see how much they have grown.

This was the first day of school!

Grace with her Teachers Mrs. Doherty and Mrs. Ragomo

Teacher gifts

Grace handing out her end of year gifts to all of her friends.

Ben with his teacher Mrs. Newberry.

The last walk into preschool together! :-(

Molly's 1st grade Regatta

The end of the year was getting close and it was time for the annual 1st grade boat Regatta. All of the first graders had to make a boat out of recycled materials and have it race against their classmates' boats.  We weren't sure what to do at first but Molly said she wanted a pink boat.  So Daddy and Molly got started and built a great boat.  I helped Molly decorate her boat by spray painting it pink and Molly added the gems and of course the little lego person driver :-) Her boat won both of its races!

here are a couple of our favorite boats we saw...

Spring dance recital

The girls spring recital was finally here.  They have been working so hard on their routines at dance class each week and we were all excited to watch.  There were 3 shows that day, 11:30, 1:00 and 4:00. Molly had 2 dances in each show and Grace was in the 1:30 show.  Grandma, Aunt Erika, Delaney, Max and Denise McGillivray all came to watch the girls in their big show. They did great and it was so much fun to watch!  Molly's dances were called Tap, Tap, Tap and Sounds of Music.  Grace's dance was called Music Box.

Molly and Grace with the best Dance teacher around!

Molly was excited to see her 1st grade teacher Mrs. Petrie!

...and one of her best buddies Audrey, who also danced in the show.

Ben's new bed!

Ben has always been a great sleeper, loves his crib and has never crawled out of it but we have been talking about getting him a new bed for a while.  We decided to start with a toddler bed and see how he does before we pick out his real "big boy bed".  He was so excited to put his car sheets on the bed and get it all set up for bedtime! We were a little nervous about how he would do but after coming out of his room a couple times to go potty he went right to sleep.