Friday, May 2, 2014

Ben is 3!

Ben is 3 and I can't believe it! Poor guy was sick on his birthday so we didn't get to celebrate much. I was just happy we already had his party a couple weeks before. We picked up birthday donuts and sang "Happy Birthday" and that made him smile a little.  He also got to open a couple more presents! It was so sad to see him so sick, he had a fever of 101 for about a week and a half, with a double ear infection and a bad cough. We could barely get him to eat much of anything for a long time.  He is finally getting a little better! Yay!!

My sweet boy Ben, it feels like just yesterday that you were born. Your sisters were so excited for you to arrive and now you are one of the pack running around and playing games with them. You are so energetic and love to play with your sisters. You also are a cuddle bug and love to climb up in bed with me and Daddy to watch "a show".  

You love anything with wheels: cars, trains, tractors, fire trucks, mowers, trash trucks, planes, mailman trucks, oh and you LOVE school buses!  You think anytime we go to any type of store you need a new car, you can not have enough! You have to sleep with one or more of your special cars every night.

One of your favorite things to eat for breakfast is oatmeal and still love your milk a couple times a day. You love to go to Grandma and Grandpas to say hi.  Every time we drive by the highway you think we are going to their house and you are let down if we don't.  When you do get to go, your visit isn't complete without helping Grandpa run his big trains.  One of your favorite parts about visiting Gigi and Papa in Hutchinson is the tractor and golf cart rides! 

You act shy when we meet someone new and hide behind one of my legs, but always give them one of your sweet smiles. Everyone comments how cute your little dimples are. You love to go to school and give your teacher Ms. Newberry hugs in the morning when you gets there. You love to be outside and are ready for the warm weather! We wish we could freeze time and keep you this size forever.  We love to hear you talk and say complete sentences now. It is so fun to hear how you pronounce things and sometimes we can't figure out what you are saying but most of the time it is very clear.

The past three years have flown by! We are so blessed to have you in our lives, your big heart and smile make us happy every single day! You are in such a fun, adorable stage and we can't imagine our lives without you in it.

Like I said you are one of the pack and love to play with your sisters.  If you get upset, they are both right there to try and make you feel better. Your sisters love you so much and will always be right by your side! One of your favorite things to do with them is to jump on the trampoline. Your sisters are always making up crazy games to play while you jump and you go right along with them! You guys are like the 3 musketeers, always together and always having a lot of fun.

You are getting to be such a "big boy" and we love watching you grow up!  We all love you SO much!

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