Thursday, May 29, 2014

#4 on the way!

Exciting news!  We are excited to announce our 4th little soccer player joining the Dubill team in November!


I still can't believe it some days!  We are going to get a little bit busier come November! The official due date is November 11, 2014, two days before Grace's 6th birthday.

Everything has been going good, besides just feeling a little yucky and a week of the stomach flu. That has all passed and I'm feeling more normal now. I'm in the second trimester now so hopefully I will start getting some of my energy back!  We have a healthy active baby with a strong heartbeat.  We have had a couple sonograms.  It's fun to watch all of the changes so far.

This is at 8 weeks

This is at 12 weeks

This is at 16 weeks.


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