Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Back to school...

Summer is over and it's back to school time! All of the kids have been getting excited and it's finally here.  We had fun shopping for school supplies and school clothes and I think we are all ready! Grace is so excited to finally go to the "big school" like Molly...and Molly is excited about starting second grade!

First, we had back to school night a couple days before school started to meet our teachers. Both girls are super excited for the school year to start!

Waiting for the doors to open so they can meet their teacher!

Molly at her desk in her new classroom

Molly with one of her best buddies

Back to school night was a success!

Of course they had to take a silly picture

Grace's Kindergarten teacher, Ms. Erickson

Molly's second grade teacher, Ms. Courtney

Molly's busy second grade schedule

Grace working on her first Kindergarten project

Grace is only going to half day Kindergarten so I was back at 11:40 to pick her up.   Wow those 3 hours went fast! I picked her up and we went to a fun first day of kindergarten lunch and a little shopping :-)  She told me all of the details of her first day! She had so much fun!
Thumbs up for a great first day!

Baby update

Things have been going pretty good besides that I have had a pretty nasty cold for about 6 weeks.  They put me on some antibiotics but they didn't seem to help so I had to go back to the doctor for a breathing treatment, a perscription for an inhaler and another round of antibiotics.  The doctor said it had turned into bronchitis and if I didn't start getting better then I would need an Xray and probably steroids for my lungs.  I had a lingering cough that lasted quite awhile but was so happy that I started to feel a little better.

Baby appointments have all been great with good ultrasounds.  Its always so much fun to see our little peanut and make sure SHE is doing good :-) I had the ultrasound technician double check the gender during the last sonogram just to make sure and she is still convinced baby Dubill is a girl.

The glucose test was at my 25 week appointment and I chose orange for my yummy drink flavor :-) Then I had to sit and wait. I called back after a week and I passed!

As of right now I am 29 weeks so about 11 weeks left! Wow, time has gone fast. She is very active and moving a lot lately.

The nursery has been a slow work in progress :-) Daniel painted the room gray and we have slowly been moving things into the room. We have a few more things to get and then we can put the room together. I'm getting excited and ready for that!

My helpers vacuuming for me

4th of July

We had a fun and busy day planned. We went to Village Fest in Prairie Village with the Rupps and the Lattas.  It was so hot but the kids all had a lot of fun checking out the fire trucks, craft stations, and games.  We then went over to the Rupps for an impromtu playdate in the backyard.

Then we headed home for more make our annual fourth of July cake and go to the neighbors for fireworks!


Garage mini makeover and art cabinet organization

So there is a set of shelves in the garage right next to the door that seems to collect all kinds of junk...kid stuff, mail, shoes, etc. That set of shelves always bothers me when I pull into the garage and I have been wanting to redo it for awhile. I really would like to get a custom locker/bench/cubby type thing made for this space but until then a mini-makeover would do.  I cleaned it all off and decided what I wanted on the shelves...since it's mainly kid stuff I figured a bunch of different buckets with different labels would be perfect.

I, of course, was so ready to get going and forgot to take a picture of here are the after pictures.  I found the crates at Target and the buckets at Home Depot.

All done!

Another thing that really needed organized before school started was our art cabinet, where I keep all of the coloring books, notepads, markers, crayons, etc. It gets easily filled up and it makes it really hard to find anything so I try to clean this out a lot.

Again no before picture, I really have to get better at that!

Ahh, much better!