Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Garage mini makeover and art cabinet organization

So there is a set of shelves in the garage right next to the door that seems to collect all kinds of junk...kid stuff, mail, shoes, etc. That set of shelves always bothers me when I pull into the garage and I have been wanting to redo it for awhile. I really would like to get a custom locker/bench/cubby type thing made for this space but until then a mini-makeover would do.  I cleaned it all off and decided what I wanted on the shelves...since it's mainly kid stuff I figured a bunch of different buckets with different labels would be perfect.

I, of course, was so ready to get going and forgot to take a picture of here are the after pictures.  I found the crates at Target and the buckets at Home Depot.

All done!

Another thing that really needed organized before school started was our art cabinet, where I keep all of the coloring books, notepads, markers, crayons, etc. It gets easily filled up and it makes it really hard to find anything so I try to clean this out a lot.

Again no before picture, I really have to get better at that!

Ahh, much better!

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