Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Baby update

Things have been going pretty good besides that I have had a pretty nasty cold for about 6 weeks.  They put me on some antibiotics but they didn't seem to help so I had to go back to the doctor for a breathing treatment, a perscription for an inhaler and another round of antibiotics.  The doctor said it had turned into bronchitis and if I didn't start getting better then I would need an Xray and probably steroids for my lungs.  I had a lingering cough that lasted quite awhile but was so happy that I started to feel a little better.

Baby appointments have all been great with good ultrasounds.  Its always so much fun to see our little peanut and make sure SHE is doing good :-) I had the ultrasound technician double check the gender during the last sonogram just to make sure and she is still convinced baby Dubill is a girl.

The glucose test was at my 25 week appointment and I chose orange for my yummy drink flavor :-) Then I had to sit and wait. I called back after a week and I passed!

As of right now I am 29 weeks so about 11 weeks left! Wow, time has gone fast. She is very active and moving a lot lately.

The nursery has been a slow work in progress :-) Daniel painted the room gray and we have slowly been moving things into the room. We have a few more things to get and then we can put the room together. I'm getting excited and ready for that!

My helpers vacuuming for me

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