Saturday, February 28, 2015

Daddy/Daughter dance!

Molly and Grace had been waiting for this night for months!  They get so excited to pick out a fancy dress and go out to dinner with Daddy. They also really love to turn in their favorite song for a music suggestion at the dance. Their favorite songs this year were: Molly: "Shake It Off" by Taylor Swift
Grace: "Counting Stars" by OneRepublic.  A few of their best buddies came over to our house for pictures before they all headed to Red Robin for dinner. They got home around 9:30 and boy were they exhausted!

Sophie 3 months old

Sophie is 3 months old! She is sleeping 8 hour stretches every night. Wakes up happy, full of smiles in the morning. She has found her hands and they seem to always be in her mouth.  She is eating much better and drinking her bottles much faster. I switched her nipple on her bottles to a #2 so seems to have helped. She isn't taking anymore reflux meds! She isn't the biggest fan of tummy time.  She is starting to make lots of noises..have to be loud around here! She is just such a happy baby.

The many faces of Sophie

I can not take enough pictures of our sweet little Sophie.  Thank goodness she doesn't mind...yet.

Then Ben wanted in on some of the action..he loves his sister!

Big girl tub

Sophie finally has gotten big enough for a bath in her big girl tub. She seemed to like soaking in the warm water :-)