Saturday, February 28, 2015


This is going to be a tough one..

I lost my mom in September. It has been a tough couple of months is an understatement.  I don't know how to get through everyday without her right now. We text and called back and forth about 20 times a day.  She is who I called to share something fun that the kids did, or to get advice, or to complain or to cry...and she was always there to make me feel better or to share in my excitement.  I am trying to be strong for the kids but some days are harder than others.   I try to think of all of the fun memories and time we shared but still very difficult and hard to believe that she isn't coming to visit in a couple weeks to see her "babies".  I am taking one day at a time.

I know the tough time isn't over but I am so lucky to have such a supportive husband that is helping me through it and seeing my kids smiles, makes each day a little brighter.   She was loved by so many and she has left an amazing legacy.  She taught me how to be kind, strong, compassionate, and how to be a good mother. I told her not too long ago that I had hoped I was a good of a mom as she was and she said of course I was and I was the best thing she ever did. That makes me smile. We always had so much fun together and I will miss that forever.  She was always so happy and had fun no matter what she was doing.

Sometimes I like to look back and pictures and see her smiling face or her playing with the kids. I wanted to share some of my favorites....

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