Saturday, February 28, 2015

Sophia Lou

The day had finally come! Sophia Lou entered the world at 1:45pm. on Thursday, November 6, 2014.

Day #1

Grandma showed up super early to watch the kids so Daniel and I could head to the hospital. With a 7:00 arrival time at the hospital, I was finally all hooked up by 9:00.  Had my epidural by 10:30.  4 cm. by 12:00.  Erika stopped by and decided to stay to help us take pictures and since she works there she hooked us up with some extra snacks too :-) and of course brought me a bottle of wine! Everything was pretty calm and low key.  I was starting to feel some pressure around 1:20 and sure enough I was ready to push but they told me to wait for the dr...those 5-10 minutes were probably the least fun..well so far.. finally Dr. P showed up and told me to start pushing. About 2 minutes later Sophia Lou Dubill was here! She came extremely fast. When they put her on my chest she wasn't responding after a minute so they took her quickly to the warmer and started working on her..she wasn't breathing. Erika threw down the camera and turned into a nurse. Thank goodness she was there.  Those were the scariest 10 minutes......Watching the nurses faces was scary..the silence was scary.  Daniel was white as a ghost, I have never seen him like that..we were scared. I somehow was the strongest one, not sure why but I was calm. Praying. I knew she had an angel taking good care of her.

She finally was starting to pink up and was breathing normally but because of her eventful arrival she had to be watched for an extra hour. They were able to measure and weigh her...She was 8.03 lbs and 18.5 inches long!  That hour went fast and she was perfect as can be.  All of her tests came back that she wasn't stressed in the womb, only right after she came out which is good. Things were finally starting to calm down.

A couple hours went by and we hadn't decided on a name.  We had been focused on her being healthy and making sure everything was ok.  All we had decided on was that Lou was going to be her middle name because that was my mom's middle name.  We decided on Sophia because we thought it was pretty with Lou...So Sophia Lou it is!

Aunt Erika stayed to give Sophie her first bath just like she did Grace and Ben when they were born. Then Grandma and Papa brought the kids to come meet their new baby sister. Some of the cousins came to visit as well so we had a room full of people by the end of the day.



Molly, Grace and Ben got Cameras from Sophie for their Big Sister/Brother gifts and they loved them! They snapped pictures of her all day between taking turns holding her.  Ben was so excited she was here but slowly took it all in. He never wanted to hold her and he asked me a lot of questions. The day was filled with visitors, tests, feedings, pictures, pictures and more pictures! Sophie was doing great and all of the tests they were running came back perfect.  We were extremely relieved and felt very blessed.

Day #3 Going home day!!

Today was more calm with less visitors. We were ready to go home and be a family of 6! Wow! 

We're home!
The kids...and Grandma worked really hard decorating the house for Sophie's big arrival! I loved it!

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