Sunday, January 12, 2014

2014 kid interviews

Something we have started to do in the last couple years is to sit down with the kids and interview them about the things they love, their favorite places to go, etc. A lot of people like to do these interviews close to the child's birthday but we can never seem to find the time, so we have made them our New Year's interviews.  It's fun to hear how the kids answer their questions and will be fun to look back on. I am not great at journaling but I am trying to get better and that's why I started this blog and do more things like the interviews to capture how their little minds think at these ages. We also try to do the interview on video to watch their reactions and cute little faces! Ben didn't understand some of the questions so I had to explain them a little to him.  It will be fun to look back and compare over the years!

Name: Molly           
How old are you: 7
What is your favorite color: hot pink
What is your favorite breakfast food: Bacon
What is your favorite outfit: pajamas
What is your favorite thing to do:  Art, play soccer
What do you want to be when you grow up? Artist
Favorite food: Pizza, chicken nuggets
Favorite Snack: yogurt and pretzels
Favorite movie: Brave
Favorite TV show: PAW patrol
What is your favorite thing to do outside: jump on the trampoline
What do you like to take to bed with you at night: my blankie
Who do you like to spend time with: my family
What do you do really well: soccer goalie, ballet, Art
What makes you Laugh: Funny faces
What is the best time of the day: Night-time because I get to read
What are you afraid of: I’m not really afraid of anything
Who is your best friend: Ella           
What do you like to do with your family: go out to shop
What do you love to learn about: Art, music, and rocks (science)
Where do you like to go: Gigi and Papa’s house, American girl store, my friends houses,
What is your favorite book: Ivy and Bean
If you had one wish what would it be: To be with my family everyday and not at school, Have Sophia come over for a play-date

Name: Grace
How old are you: 5
What is your favorite color: red
What is your favorite breakfast food: waffles
What is your favorite outfit: pink cupcake tutu dress
What is your favorite thing to do: play with my family
What do you want to be when you grow up: a Mommy           
Favorite food: cheese pizza
Favorite snack: Lucky charm cereal bar
Favorite movie: Frozen
Favorite TV show: Sophia the First
What is your favorite thing to do outside: jump on the trampoline
What do you like to take to bed with you at night: My magic blankie
Who do you like to spend time with: Caleigh
What do you do really well: playing with other people and making them happy
What makes you laugh: When people tickle me
What is the best time of the day: Playing with my friends at school
What are you afraid of: When people make scary noises
Who is your best friend: Caleigh
What do you like to do with your family: help mommy cook
What do you love to learn about: Cooking
Where do you like to go: pizza Shoppe, Gigi and Papas house, target and to see Movies
What is your favorite book: Sophia the first book
If you had one wish what would it be: To have a new student at school or have a new kitty

Name: Ben
How old are you: (he said 3, and we reminded him he was still 2, and he said "oh yeah")
What is your favorite color: Blue and Red
What is your favorite breakfast food: Oatmeal
What is your favorite outfit: fire-truck pajamas
What is your favorite thing to do: play tractors
What do you want to be when you grow up? Don’t know
Favorite food: Oatmeal
Favorite Snack: Cheese puffs
Favorite movie: Frozen
Favorite TV show: Bubble Guppies
What is your favorite thing to do outside: dig
What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Boo bink (Blue blankie )
Who do you like to spend time with: friends, Ms. Newberry(teacher at school)
What do you do really well: (dancing)
What makes you laugh: (he made a silly face)
What is the best time of the day: morning
What are you afraid of: (made a dinosaur noise)
Who is your best friend: James and Ryan and Ben
What do you like to do with your family: play tractors
What do you love to learn about: Tractors
Where do you like to go: Grandma and Grandpas house, go fast on the highway, a fire-truck party
What is your favorite book: Tractor book(Good night, good night, construction site)
If you had one wish what would it be: To have a fire-truck party

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