Monday, January 27, 2014

Sunday Funday

We were so excited to get outside and enjoy the great weather on Sunday! It was a much needed break from being stuck in the house for so long. We met some of our friends at Franklin Park. James Ingraham, Ryan Latta and Ben Rupp were all there! All of the kids had so much fun running around and playing together. Ben's favorite was the "spaceship" and the slides. The girls had a lot of fun swinging on the tire swing and chasing after the boys for us. After a few hours of playing we all went to lunch and home for nap time.

Trying to get a pic of all of the boys together!

Sunday was about to get better because Daddy was on his way home from Chicago!! He had been gone for 7 days and the kids (and Mommy) were ready for him to be home! After nap we played outside waiting for him to arrive.  When he pulled up the kids start squealing with happiness and ran to give him big hugs!


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