Monday, February 17, 2014

Daddy/Daughter dance

This year Stanley Elementary decided to have their own Daddy/Daughter Dance and that upcoming kindergarteners could come as well. That meant both girls could go this year!! It would be Grace's first of many daddy/daughter dances. Molly and Daniel went last year to the Blue Valley Rec center daddy/daughter dance and had a great time. Daniel was excited to be able to take both of his girls out for a fun evening! This was a very busy Saturday.  First Molly had a soccer game, then we had a birthday party to go to before the big event. Boy were they going to be tired! We stopped by the birthday party and then headed home to get ready..Its always fun to curl their hair and put on a little makeup:-) Wow they look grown up! Audrey Ahring and Ella Baldwin and their dads came over for pictures then off to dinner and the dance. Doesn't everyone look fancy?

They had SO much fun! It was exciting to hear about all of the fun they had when they got home.  Daniel said they never stood still so pictures weren't the easiest to get but here are a couple from the dance.

Silly girls!

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