Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Valentine's day fun....

I LOVE Valentine's Day! Well...I love all of the stuff that comes before Valentine's Day. Decorating, crafts, making Valentine's Day cards, making treats, stickers, hearts, pink, planning and getting presents for everyone I love:-) I remember Valentine's Day when I was little, and I don't remember a lot of things! Ha..My mom would always do a fun scavenger hunt with clues that rhymed for me to find my present. So fun! And for a lot of years I got the same thing, a Shel Silverstein book or a movie.  So I try to do some of the same fun things for my kids and hope they will remember them! We will be making some treats for the kids to take to class when it gets closer to the actual day so will post about those later!

 We got an early start this year on working on the kids Valentine's cards for their class and friends. The girls decided they wanted to make rainbow loom bracelets for their friends and since we had to make 40+ total I figured we better start early! We have made a few bracelets each day and still have a couple more to go, but we are almost done! I searched Pinterest for the perfect valentine card and found some great free printables!

Here is where I found the rainbow loom printable:

I decided to attach the bracelets a little different than she did on her blog.  She punched a hole in the corner and attached the bracelet. I didn't want the kids to have to undo the bracelet and put it back together so just wrapped it around the card and I think it works great! 

Then was thinking what to do for Ben, and came across the cutest car valentine, and Ben LOVES cars so I thought this would be perfect! I found these cars 3/$1.00 at the Dollar Tree! Ben had a hard time when we bought these because he thought they were all for him to play with :-) I had to remind him that they were to give to his friends at "school". He played with them daily until I taped them down on the cards.

Here is where I found the car printable:

Its fun to be able to do both girlie Valentine's and boy Valentine's. I am probably having more fun making these than the kids are! 

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