Sunday, February 9, 2014

Kitchen closet makeover

I found another Pinterest project that I wanted to do and a friend inspired me to just get it done!  She had done the same project and I thought it looked great!  She reassured me that it was really EASY so I figured I would give it a try.  We don't have a mud room or really anywhere to hang kids' backpacks, umbrellas, coats and jackets so when I saw the idea I thought it would help!  Everyone has one of those tiny coat closets in their house stuffed with coats, hats and gloves among many other random things that you cram in there! Here are a few before pictures..

I was excited to get started and had already taken coats out but you can picture it jam packed right? :-)  I also had two baskets at the bottom that were overflowing with umbrellas, gloves, hats and more.  I love doing a new project because it always helps you reorganize and get rid of things that you haven't used in forever!  My first stop was Home Depot to get paint, 2-1X6 boards and 14 hooks (2 different kinds).   I had them cut my boards to size so all I had to do when I got home was paint them. 

Boards painted and closet all cleared out! 

I did a low board/hooks for the kids and a high board/hooks for the adult coats.  First, I painted the closet (top half tan and bottom half white) and then we screwed the boards in place and were ready for the hooks.

We had a great (and really cute!) assistant that helped screw on the boards! 

ALL done!!!  Yay!  I am so happy with the way it turned out!  I added two baskets at the bottom for hats, gloves, etc. We are now able to better utilize the space in the closet.  The kids can walk in and find their backpacks and coats much easier!

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